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The Katana fund is an “all opportunity/broad-cap” Australian Equities fund. We have removed the constraints on market capitalisation, style and sector whilst being conscious of liquidity. Our mission is to look for the best opportunities across the entire ASX. This has resulted in being able to generate true alpha for clients over our 11 year history.


Our mandate for Cash as a % of the portfolio allows us to be flexible; from fully invested to over 50% cash. Our core focus is on capital preservation and generating the best risk adjusted returns, not just getting the best possible returns.


We aim to remove many of the “artificial constraints” we see in the Funds Management industry that we feel impede returns. These include; being style agnostic across value, growth, quality, momentum etc, sector unaware and theme neutral.


Rolling 3yr Beta of 0.60: we are ‘benchmark unaware’. Our universe of investable stocks is larger than most. This results in having a portfolio that doesn’t aim to replicate a benchmark or hug an index.

As featured in:

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Why Our Clients Choose Us

We are passionate about what we do. We invest alongside our clients and strive to get the best returns for all.

“I’ve known and dealt with the Katana team since inception and have found them very astute and knowledgeable investors who are always happy to discuss and share their opinions on investing.”
Simeon B

“I first met the team at Katana in 2012. As a professional adviser, I look to align myself with teams that are hard-working, performance-oriented and above all else act with integrity. In Katana we have found such a partner.”
Damian J

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