Step 3

Step 3: Transfer & Send

Transferring your Funds to Katana

Bank Name – St George

Account Name – ORS Applications Account – Katana
BSB – 332 127
Account Number 555 359 391

Note: Only the net amount received will be invested in the Fund. Please provide a copy of the payment advice showing the value and date of payment.

Sending Your Application

Please post the completed Application form together with a copy of the EFT payment advice showing the value date of the payment to:

Katana Australian Equity Fund Unit Registry
PO Box R1479
Royal Exchange NSW 1225

If paying by cheque, please mail this completed Application form together with the cheque to:

Katana Australian Equity Fund Unit Registry
PO Box R1479
Royal Exchange NSW 1225

Please do not hesitate to email Katana Asset Management at [email protected] if you have any further queries.